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The Best Cinderella Quotes and Life Lessons To Inspire You

It’s Cinderella’s 70th Birthday, so I decided to put together a list of the best life lessons and Cinderella quotes – and there are so many!

Cinderella is a favorite fairy tale character and the animated classic is one of my favorite fairytales and Disney movies of all time.

Cinderella’s story is a timeless classic and a magical story that inspired us to not settle, to follow our dreams, and to be true to our true royal nature.

Though you’re dressed in rags, you wear an air of queenly grace.

Anyone can see a throne would be your proper place.

I have always related to Cinderella because no matter how much loss, pain, and struggle she went through, she was able to renew her faith.

A dream is a wish your heart makes

When you’re fast asleep.

In dreams you will lose your heartaches.

Whatever you wish for, you keep.

Have faith in your dreams, and someday

Your rainbow will come smiling through.

No matter how your heart is grieving,

If you keep on believing,

The dreams that you wish will come true.

Positive Life Lessons From Our Favorite Cinderella Quotes

Let’s explore how Cinderella quotes teach us to be positive, be powerful, and stay connected to who we are and who we are meant to be.

Some of my favorite Disney quotes come from Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother.

“Cause if you tell a wish, it won’t come true.” ~ Cinderella.

Our goals and dreams are sacred and precious and they must be protected as such.

It’s not only important to make sure you trust the person you’re confiding in, you gotta know in your heart that this person supports your BOLD goal, too!

“They can’t order me to stop dreaming.” ~ Cinderella.

Even if you are surrounded by “killjoy” people who seem like they have some type of control over you, you always have the freedom to think your own thoughts and dream your own dreams!

“Why, that means I can go too!” ~ Cinderella.

I like how Cinderella didn’t seem to object to chores and other orders, but when it came to her dream, she dared speak up and let her desires be known. 

Well, why not? After all I’m still a member of the family, and it said, “By royal command, every eligible maiden is to attend.” ~ Cinderella.

This is so me! Can you feel the sass? What I love most about this rhetoric is that Cinderella saw herself as eligible.

How many times do we get in our own way because we don’t feel “worthy” or we suffer impostor syndrome? Be like Cinderelly and ask yourself “Well, why not?” and decide to ask anyway!

I’m sure I can. Oh, thank you, Stepmother.” ~ Cinderella.

I love how confident Cinderella is in her capacity to achieve the tasks that have been assigned.

I know you may think she’s naive thanking her Stepmother, but the truth is that gratitude brings about positive energy. Being grateful it’s about you, and the person you’re committed to being.

“Oh, well. What’s a royal ball? After all, I suppose it would be frightfully dull, and boring, and completely … completely wonderful.” ~ Cinderella.

No matter how much we want to talk ourselves out of dreaming our dreams, they are part of who we are.

We may suppress them, try to forget them, and even try to convince others we gave up on them, but our true dreams always find us.

“Oh, no. No, it isn’t true. It’s just no use. No use at all. I can’t believe. Not anymore. There’s nothing left to believe in. Nothing.” ~ Cinderella.

We all have those moments of doubt, in which we don’t want to believe that something is possible for us because it’s just so hard!

It may seem that getting our hopes up may lead to disappointment, heartbreak, and loss.

It’s impossible to BE Positive all the time! Furthermore, it’s healthy to embrace and express our feelings like Cinderella did, because it is how we move past them.

“If you’d lost all your faith, I couldn’t be here. And here I am!” ~ Fairy Godmother.

This is the beginning of everyone’s favorite part: the transformation. Transformation begins when we acknowledge that not everything is lost, that we are not hopeless, that there’s something to hold on to.

I have been in really dark places in my life in which I wanted to give up and I’ve found purpose in who I can be for myself, but more importantly, who I can be for someone else.

“Even miracles take a little time.” ~ Fairy Godmother. 

I have a firm testimony that those who suffer the most excruciating pain are the ones who experience the sweetest miracles, and in the same sense, I know for a fact that they do take time to manifest (and way more than it did for our Cinderella).

Patience is not easy, and yet, it is one of the most essential virtues in dream building!

What would your life look like if you could be transformed with a wave of a wand and a “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo”?

“Oh, it’s a beautiful dress! Did you ever see such a beautiful dress? And look! Glass slippers. Why, it’s like a dream. A wonderful dream come true.” ~ Cinderella.

When dreams do come true for you – and they will – take time to appreciate them.

Yes, Cinderella wanted to go to the ball, but there’s always time for gratitude, for contemplation, for admiration for every blessing and for acknowledging every little detail around it.

You can learn how to design your own Cinderella ball gown here.

“But like all dreams, I’m afraid this won’t last forever.” ~ Fairy Godmother. 

It is unreasonable to expect living in a state of neverending bliss on this earth. There is opposition in all things and so we go from joy to joy with a few struggles, trials, and challenges in between. 

“It’s midnight.” “Goodbye.” ~ Cinderella.

Oh this must have been hard. And she said “Goodbye” three whole times! Cinderella teaches us to honor our agreements no matter what.

She did lose track of time for a bit, but once she knew it was about to be midnight, she knew her loyalty to the one who helped her and her commitment to keep her promise were a priority. What do you need to say “Goodbye” to – or to whom?

“Your Grace, please wait! May I try it on?” ~ Cinderella.

I love how Cinderella took a risk, seized the opportunity, and audaciously went for it. Sometimes we don’t have time to think things through, and we actually don’t need to.

We must learn to trust the divine information we receive and take immediate action. Whether the action is to ask for what you need or to take a step in the direction of your dreams, know that you are being guided, supported, and provided for every inch of the way.

“But, you see … I have the other slipper.” ~ Cinderella.

Bam! My daughters and I paused the movie here just to take a closer look at Cinderella’s Stepmother’s face. Whoa! You gotta do it too – her expression when seeing Cinderella had the beautiful slipper is priceless.

Sure, the Fairy Godmother gave her a gown and fancy slippers, but it was this moment of defiance that sealed her destiny. 

Resistance, confrontation, and insubordination have saved my life more than once or twice, and, more importantly, they have saved my soul – and Cinderella validates the rebel in me!

I learned an important lesson here too, because sometimes we are focused on what we don’t have and may think what we have is not enough (like the Cinderella glass slipper), and yet, we have what it takes to make our dream come true.

Cinderella is not only kind and sweet, she is powerful and empowering. I can’t wait to hear your favorite life lesson or quote from Cinderella!

What is your favorite Cinderella quote or positive life lesson? Share with us in the comments below!

Elayna is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 4x TEDx speaker. Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results, so you can have the wealth, opportunities, and freedom you deserve. Connect with Elayna Fernández at thepositivemom.com/keynote-speaker and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

Be Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna FernandBe Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOMez ~ The Positive MOM
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Sarah Bequette

Friday 6th of January 2023

Yes yes yes! My whole life people have nicknamed me Cinderella and Sunshine and this is the exact way I feel about life. Subscribe please! Positively

Natalie Valenzuela

Friday 20th of November 2020

I totally in love with your insight and life lessons that Cinderella inspires all of us.

Sue-Tanya Mchorgh

Friday 5th of July 2019

I grew up watching Cinderella, something about it was so inspiring. I never really thought about the lessons I could take from Cinderella but now that I have seen this post I can say agree with you, there's a lot of lessons to learn from the Cinderella story.

Daniel M

Friday 28th of June 2019

couldn't guess what life would be like with a magic wand


Friday 28th of June 2019

I love Cinderella and remember most of these quotes even from so long ago. I love your insight into them and can't wait to rewatch the movie to analyze them.