Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a slum, in a tin-roofed hut between a ravine and a landfill, in a small town in the Dominican Republic. She loved to write, to teach, and to monetize…EVERYTHING!
By focusing on a powerful vision, rather than on her conditions, the facts of her life, or her circumstances, she created her first business as a storyteller when she was 7 years old.
The little girl was a book worm (even though she had never owned a book). As she learned the English language and the language of transformation, she increased in wisdom, not so much in stature, and more in favor with God than people. (Luke 2:52)
Upon surviving extreme poverty, a dysfunctional childhood marked by abuse, an unspeakable tragedy in her teenage years, and several near death experiences, she decided to focus on the marvelous miracles she had witnessed and her perspective allowed her to see that she was fully covered in blessings.
She traveled to the land far far away and met the one she thought to be her prince. They were married on the island, then she moved to the kingdom of the United States in 2001 to “live happily ever after.”
She was blessed with a little princess in 2002 and another in 2003! These precious creatures were the kind you couldn’t even create with a magic wand.
But one night in late 2004, she found that he was long gone, and with him… she thought so was her dream of having a Royal Family.
Alone, filled with fear, pain, and uncertainty, and seemingly stuck, homeless, penniless, and clueless how to get started, she decided to write a To-BE list, to become a positive mom, and to embrace a new life philosophy:
BE Positive and You’ll BE Powerful!
The single queen mom worked hard long hours in her village of Florida to provide for her family, and she thought she could so she did. But her heart’s desire was to give her special little princesses more than presents: presence!
Soon, God revealed 5 principles she could use to create a magic life, so she quit her job and became a digital entrepreneur!
And because queen moms are usually dreamers, life-long learners, and conscious creators, she decided to homeschool wherever her princesses are in the world.
For eight years, the three princesses lived in union and harmony with one another in their joyful little kingdom.
And then suddenly, as if out of nowhere, the queen and her two princesses journeyed to the village of Texas, where she’d encounter a man who claimed to have escaped wicked wizards, sorcerers, and dragons, and the queen took him in the royal palace. He vowed to protect and provide, to respect and to rule, and to love them for eternities.
In 2013, the queen experienced the miracle of pregnancy and birth yet once again, welcoming the most precious and dreamy royal baby and becoming a Royal Family beyond the queen’s dreams.
But soon she’d find out that she was wrong about the king, after all, and her princesses weren’t safe. She realized that, all along, she was her own prince charming, and she embraced her Royal Family, as it was intended.
Then one day, the queen realized that the Royal Family was not yet complete. A new member would come to make it whole. And so a fourth princess was born, bringing light into a very dark season.
And the petite queen mom continues to write, and to teach, and to monetize everything, while her Royal Family helps her make a difference in the world.
As a Storyteller, she is committed to pour her heart out to moms worldwide motherhood in a way that is transparent, authentic, and vulnerable.
As a Story Strategist, she shares tactics, tools, and training for moms to become digital entrepreneurs, teaching them to turn their story into a profitable blog, a bestselling book, and a 6-figure course.
As a Student Of Pain, she teaches the “millionaire mom mindset,” walking moms through breaking painful cycles to create positive breakthroughs, adopt positive paradigm shifts, facilitate positive growth and positive transformation.
Through her story and her strategies, she helps those royal moms who don’t yet know what their royalty is worth, helping them turn their once upon a time into their happily ever after, and teaching them to become digital entrepreneurs, positive moms, and intentional women who raise their kids in a magical world of their own making and on their own terms – filled with JOY, FREEDOM, and MEANING.
Her daughters continue to flourish into beautiful, successful, strong young princesses, and she feels BLESSED and in total GRATITUDE each day!
We’re happy to report that the Royal Family is living their Happily Ever After in an enchanted castle in Fort Worth, Texas, as you read this story… defeating the powerful evil forces that threaten their fairy tale. Their story has NO END…
Hi, new sister!
With that story, a BIG SMILE, and a HUG, I welcome you to ThePositiveMOM.com!
As someone once said:
“The greatest gift you can give to someone is your time, because when you give your time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back!”.
I’m thankful for the gift of your time today!
Though I know this page is typically all about ME, first, I think it’s about time we talk all about YOU.
I don’t yet know you know you, and yet, there are some fundamental truths I know about you.
You were carefully and wonderfully created – with love and intention.
You Are Brilliant, Amazing, Created Uniquely, Mighty, Magnificent, Exceptional, Creative, Gifted, Dynamic, Brave, Worthy, Talented…made of PURE AWESOMENESS!
You possess magical powers — you hold divine power within you. You can make a MASSIVE difference in this lifetime, as you align with your Possibilities, pursue your Potential, and live on Purpose.
- Discover Yourself.
- Love Yourself.
- BE Yourself.
I firmly believe that who you are – ALL of it – is a brilliant design, created to accomplish a masterful mission… you are powerful and you can access that power by being positive!
I appreciate YOU.
I love to mentor moms like you and guide you in creating the life you’ve always (and probably secretly) dreamed of and you most desire.
My mission is to I help moms break painful cycles, gain clarity, and get focused, so they can create a life story they love, enjoy FREEDOM, and BE Positive.
I help moms because my belief is that motherhood is a partnership with God.
What a privilege it is to give life, to sustain life, and to share love through your body, but even more of a miracle is the calling to raise children, guide them, and love them throughout their earthly journey.
Mothers come in all shapes, labels, sizes, stages, preferences and experiences, and none of us are super moms!
We become Positive Moms by learning together, connecting with each other, and inspiring one another… we’re all in this together: lifting as we ascend.
Great moms think alike… we think positive!
If you’d like to learn more about me, I invite you to check out my life list and to read the fun personal facts below. You can get a notification right in your inbox each time I hit publish by subscribing here… so you don’t ever miss a post!
21 fun facts My BFFs Know…
I’m 4’8″!
I’m always homesick.
My dad is my hero and my mom is my greatest teacher.
I speak Spanish, English, and Italian, and my daughters are also bilingual.
I’m the oldest of 5 siblings and the first one at much more.
My brother is my angel. I call him my “Fairy God-brother.” lol
I walked on fire. Literally. I have the “Firewalker” t-shirt and coals to prove it, too.
I love books like crazy and that’s probably why I became an author.
My middle daughter, Elyssa, persuaded me to become vegan.
I consider myself a geekess, a word-nerd, and a hugaholic, although words of affirmation is really my main love language.
My birthday is December 16. I’m a Sagittarius.
I am always smiling.
I learned how to drive when I was 28 years old – and I’m still working through my fear of driving.
I think I’m funny, but I’ll be fine if you don’t laugh at my jokes.
The only sport I’ve ever been interested in and good at is chess.
I love all of God’s creations and my favorite happen to be koalas, horses, and orchids.
I learned how to swim very recently.
I am a Disney Mom and I have a LONG Disney bucket list.
I used to hate cooking.
I still don’t really know how to ride a bike.
My best friend’s name is Carolina. She’s irreplaceable!
I sing in the shower.
I have 99 fears, but spiders ain’t one of them.
Enough about me!
Even if it’s my “about The Positive MOM” page. I’d love to get to know YOU now.
As your Friend, let me listen and understand your needs, challenges, goals and attitudes. As your Mentor, allow me to earn your trust and show my commitment to keep it. Let’s Talk… I look forward to it!
Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results and help others do the same. Dr. Elayna Fernández is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 5x TEDx speaker. She has spoken at the United Nations, received the President’s Volunteer Lifetime Achievement Award, and was selected as one of the Top Impactful Leaders and a Woman of Influence by SUCCESS Magazine. Connect with Elayna at thepositivemom.com/ef and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

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The mission of the Positive MOM blog is to help moms break trauma cycles, find peace, and feel emotionally whole, so they can practice supportive parenting and create a positive and healthy environment for their children. If you found Elayna’s content valuable, please consider donating a love offering to enable her to keep creating content and helping more moms worldwide. Donate HERE.