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Things Do Not Change…We Change!

Things Do Not Change…We Change! Isn’t that a clever statement? Henry David Thoreau was right. I believe it.

The world is a wonderful place to live. Our Father in Heaven created it for us. There is beauty, there is abundance, there is love.

Things do not change, we change

We are so caught up in what we are looking for, what we need, what we lack and what could be, that we do not seem to appreciate all that is there for us to enjoy.

One of my favorite quotes is:

When you change the way you look at things – the things you look at change! ~ Wayne Dyer

It is my prayer that if we find ourselves in a state where we cannot find joy in the every day, we ask for the strength and wisdom to change.

When we change our outlook, we can see the beauty of being ourselves and living our lives.

If today you are seeing the glass “half empty”, make it a point to fill it up with gratitude. It is the key to happiness!
