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How To Escape The Winter Cold And The Winter Blues

Beaches Resorts disclosure

I was born on a Caribbean island and we didn’t have an air conditioner growing up, so I had never experienced the cold weather until I traveled to the U.S.A. for the first time, back in 1999 for a college program.

I remember how excited I was when I saw the snow for the first time. It was Elisha’s first Christmas and I can’t believe that was seventeen years ago! Of course, that excitement lasted for a day.

How To Escape The Winter Cold And The Winter Blues

We were visiting someone in Michigan so it’s not like I had to shovel the snow, but it was so cold and you either stayed indoors or you have to wear all this uncomfortable “gear” to get out of the house. Not to mention, you need to take it off when you arrive somewhere, to start the cycle again.

I like to keep my house warm and cozy during the winter and I wear thick coats when it’s 60 outside. I’m just not a fan of the cold weather.

During Winter time, I also tend to feel more tired, irritable, and down. They call this the Winter Blues, but clinically, it’s called S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder), a term that describes a kind of depression that follows a seasonal pattern. It’s most common in the winter months, but it can happen during spring and summer, too!

According to studies, many people in North America experience these symptoms because of the decrease activity, socialization, and exposure to sunlight. Yep… all things I love and that energize me.

Some of the ways to beat the winter blues are easy for me, like avoiding caffeine and alcohol and eating healthy, but I struggle with keeping myself hydrated and water is essential! 

Getting natural sunlight can decrease the odds of being affected by the winter blues, I find it very hard to do because I can’t stand the cold weather and sunset is at 5pm! A Vitamin D supplement is recommended.

When it’s cold, I also want to just stay in bed and the only socializing I do is online. Regular exercise is a must to keep the winter blues away, and that’s not really my jam. It does boost your energy, your mood, and your confidence, and it promotes better sleep (sleep is absolutely necessary to keep healthy and to prevent S.A.D., too).

You may be surprised to hear that I have lived in the USA for 18 years now and I still haven’t gotten used to the cold weather. To be honest, I don’t think I ever will.

If you live in a city where there’s cold and ice or it’s as cold as ice, you may want to consider a warm winter getaway to beat the winter cold and beat the winter blues.

Escape the Winter Cold with These Hot Caribbean Destinations

If you crave sunny skies, a Caribbean island is what you need. Give yourself permission to escape the snow and go somewhere warm to indulge in warm temps and warm people during these cold-weather months 

Saint Lucia is a beautiful Eastern Caribbean island with volcanic beaches, waterfalls, and ideal weather. 

Grenada is a gorgeous Caribbean country comprising a main island (named Grenada and dubbed the “Spice Isle” for its nutmeg plantations) and smaller surrounding islands.

The Bahamas is officially called the Commonwealth of The Bahamas because it is a member of the Commonwealth Realms under the monarchy of Queen Elizabeth II. My family and I love the Bahamas warm beaches and soft sand.

Antigua is a coral reef rich sunny island from the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda. Just imagine lying on the warm sand, enjoying the gentle breeze of this blissful getaway!

Turks and Caicos is an exotic archipelago of 40 coral islands in the Atlantic Ocean, a British Overseas Territory southeast of the Bahamas.

Turks and Caicos has been on my bucket list for years because it is an ideal destination for families. We’ve always dreamed of a vacation in Turks and Caicos for the whole family at the amazing all-inclusive Beaches resort. It features a 12-mile beach with white sand and turquoise waters.

There’s a 45,000 square-foot water park,10 pools, and endless fun activities for little ones, tweens, and teens, featuring Sesame Street® characters, which my family loves.

Jamaica is another favorite Caribbean island, famous for being the birthplace of reggae – who doesn’t love Bob Marley? 
The beauty of Jamaica is breathtaking! My daughters and I were checking out the Beaches Negril resort, because it looks like a family paradise: elegant and fun, with a 7-mile beach, a waterpark, and everything you want beachside.

Beaches has another all-inclusive resort in Jamaica: Beaches Ocho Rios, which was voted among the Top 10 Best Beach Resorts by Parents magazine. I would love to experience the twenty-two acres of lush tropical gardens, the gorgeous private white-sand beach, and everything there is to explore in this wonderful vacation spot.

Escape The Winter Blues

Escaping to these vacation hot spots will certainly help with the winter blues. It’s definitely worked for me.

I once thought I was the only one who experienced a mood shift during a darker and colder day, but as it turns out, the winter blues are quite common. When it’s cold and gloomy outside, it’s harder to be positive and easier to get nostalgic and lethargic, and go on a downward spiral of depression.

These are some signs that you may be experiencing the winter blues:

  • Feeling sad
  • Lacking energy
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Less social contact than usual
  • Having difficulty taking initiative

These are some signs that you may be progressing into SAD:

  • You lose interest in activities you normally enjoy and are excited about
  • You find yourself sleeping too much
  • You feel like you are always tired, lethargic, and fatigued
  • You struggle to focus – it’s a lot more than “mommy brain”
  • You can’t seem to perform as you usually do (whether in motherhood or entrepreneurship)
  • You are suddenly overeating, or eating impulsively
  • You withdraw and isolate yourself from your friends and family
  • You feel hopeless about the future or feel that there is no future
  • You start having suicidal thoughts or any self-harming thoughts

These are concerning symptoms, and I know it’s hard to seek professional help, whether it’s because of the stigma of depression or because you think you don’t have the time or the money to spare. I’ve been there and I assure you, it’s worth it – you’re worth it.

We don’t know yet what causes S.A.D., but at least we can take some measures to lessen its impact and make sure we can continue to enjoy life, to be the positive moms we want to be, and to pursue our passions.

Book an exciting vacation to one of the warm destinations from the Beaches infographic above, and take these steps before you go:

  • Go for a walk or find another way to spend time outdoors
  • Let the sunlight in, the sun energizes you even if there’s no sunny climate
  • Move regularly – it doesn’t have to be exercise; it can even be dancing hula hoop (I love these!).
  • Eat as healthy as possible: lots of homemade protein, veggies, and grains.
  • Get uplifted – by reading, listening to, and being around positivity!

I wish you all the happiness, but more than wishes is required. Take action toward having a happier, warmer, more positive winter today! You’ll be glad you did – and so will your family.

How do you escape the winter cold and the winter blues? Share with us in a comment below!

Elayna is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 4x TEDx speaker. Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results, so you can have the wealth, opportunities, and freedom you deserve. Connect with Elayna Fernández at thepositivemom.com/keynote-speaker and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

Be Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna FernandBe Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOMez ~ The Positive MOM
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Emman Damian

Monday 9th of March 2020

I want to see Barbados and Bahamas! They are quite famous for their clear beaches. So nice! I hope to book a ticket soon!

Ivana Mearns

Saturday 7th of March 2020

Vitamin D is so important! Without any sunshine or vitamin D, the body just go into hybernation and winter can become so difficult.

Lavern Moore

Friday 6th of March 2020

I have escaped the winter cold and the winter blues entirely by moving to an entirely different part of the country and it has helped!


Friday 6th of March 2020

A holiday right now would be lush and its really good time to buy right now as the prices are so low

Myrah Duque

Friday 6th of March 2020

I love winter but maybe it's because I don't live up North? I visit Michigan quite a bit and I can totally understand why the locals would want to get away.

Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM

Saturday 7th of March 2020

Oh wow. I lived in Michigan for a while!!!