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Dear Ego…

I once heard someone some words that greatly moved my heart. I feel it is my duty to share them with you:

“Let go of your ego’s need to be right.
When you’re in the middle of an argument, ask yourself:
Do I want to be right or be happy?”

I looked up the definition of Ego. It reads :

the “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.

Wouldn’t you prefer to be happy and positive, rather than sad and negative? Being positive doesn’t take any extra energy from us, it actually allows our HAPPINESS to become overflowing in ourselves, then to others.

As mothers, we would like to set a GOOD EXAMPLE by doing what is RIGHT in our hearts. We all keep busy schedules of life, sometimes not slowing down enough to notice the important treasures.

The treasures are what make being a PARENT the best job in the world. We all know that parenting is tough some days and along with those days are challenges that may cause us to sometimes not think so clearly. These moments we may, at one time or another, regret if we don’t control our egos.

Our lovely egos are a super-pumper-upper for getting our feelings going a lot further than they need to go. All we need to do is just take a moment to allow THE EGO to come to find a spot to sit on the ole feeling line:

–let it rest
–acknowledge it
–then let it go.

Easier said than done, but with the right line of thinking aka your “Positive MOM Style Powers,” it can be done.

Forget  I WANT, NEED, HAVE TO BE, or AM RIGHT  and choose the I AM HAPPY thing. ♥