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How To Reach Financial Wellness In Motherhood

Prudential - Hispanicize disclosure

Imagine being able to maintain financial stability today while having the knowledge and confidence to do what you want tomorrow. 

Imagine living financially comfortable, feeling free and at peace because you know you have a strong financial foundation.

Imagine feeling secure that you will leave a solid financial legacy to your children – and future generations.

I attended a Prudential Reception that was absolute, the panel Achieving a Life of FIRE, the Special Positive Impact Award. and we were all focused on the topic of financial wellness.

I really enjoyed the interactive activation wall, in which Prudential made the experience of planning for the future feel fun and solvable by gamifying it. The Prudential lounge was so much fun, and we were getting financially fit by riding stationary bikes to blend our own smoothies and dancing with Celebrity Fitness and Dance Professional Toni Costa.

I was also interviewed by the Prudential team on my thoughts and my perspective about financial wellness. 

The journey to financial wellness is deeply personal and every mom will define it differently, but no matter who we are and what age or stage in motherhood, our relationship with money impacts our physical health, our stress levels and state of mind, our family dynamic and even our performance at work or in our entrepreneurial endeavors.

We all know that money problems cause anxiety, feelings of embarrassment, guilt, shame, depression, and even a sense of hopelessness. All these feelings can affect our self-esteem, cause stress-related illness, and negatively impact our work and our relationships.

If you think about it, taking charge of our finances makes us better moms, because financial wellness can reduce our stress, build our confidence, and not only create a healthier relationship with money but also model that healthy money mindset and sound money habits for our kids and those we care most about.

Plus, when we’re stressed out, we’re on edge, we yell more and nurture less. That’s a high cost to pay! I always say that CLARITY IS POWER, so I’m going to cover 7 simple steps you can take TODAY to get clear so you can reach financial wellness in motherhood. 

Get clear on WHERE you are

The very first step to reaching financial wellness is to assess where you are on the journey. This step requires a deep commitment to change your relationship with money because it will push you out of your comfort zone.

You’ll want to not only pay attention to your money but to look both at how you’re doing and how you are feeling about your money. Take a look at your total household income, your total debt, and the total amount you’ve saved, as well as consider whether you’re looking to what you want in life with optimism or pessimism. This quick quiz on Prudential.com can get you started.

Get clear on WHERE you are going

Financial goals are very personal and we must establish money habits that we can practice to help us reach them. But financial goals are not enough. We must get clear on our dreams, desires, and the direction we want to take our life in.

Schedule a time to sit down and write a list of what your ideal financial life would look like in terms of money and time freedom.

Get clear on WHY you’re going

Having a strong purpose behind your financial goals and dreams can help you reach financial wellness because it will give you the fuel you need to stay the course and overcome any obstacles that may come up.

When your financial dreams are purpose-driven, you re-frame the way you think about money, because you see it as a tool to help make them come true. Does your spending reflect your priorities and values?

Knowing what and who matters most to you will help you differentiate what your needs, wants, and priorities are, and this will help you make financial decisions that will bring balance, freedom, and joy to your life.

Get clear on WHAT you’ve got

Have you ever thought that some people are “just bad with money”? This is a huge myth, especially for us moms, who stretch a dollar like downward-facing dog.

It’s important to recognize that you are already good at money management and that you possess wonderful qualities and character traits that can help you on your financial wellness journey.

We can be really hard on ourselves, focusing on the few bad decisions we’ve made or where we get off track. However, if we go deep, we will find the meaning and mindset behind those financial behaviors and they can be corrected and even turned into strengths. 

Get clear on WHAT you need

Sometimes getting back on the road to financial wellness is as easy as starting to budget, setting aside a regular time to sit down with your money to review, project, and plan.

If the B word (budget) gives you a sense of contraction, constriction, and deprivation, use the name “spending plan” instead (I actually call it “my prosperity plan).”

Having a plan allows you to find ways to reduce your fixed and variable expenses, eliminate your debt, and be prepared for unexpected expenses.

This grasp of your financial resources can provide peace of mind, order, and relief to your life because managing your money responsibly and being organized financially will increase your holistic wellness and positive outlook for your financial future. 

Get clear on WHO you need

The “Lone Ranger syndrome” is a dangerous one because no one can succeed alone. Unfortunately, in my culture, most people have been skeptical when it comes to the financial services industry, and it’s not only okay but necessary to accept help along the way to financial wellness.

We will need different levels of support as life unfolds, and having access to sound advice, accurate information, practical tools, and relevant resources is critical to making good financial decisions and having a clear path toward financial wellness.

A financial plan is a living document that will need revisions and adjustments, so it is necessary to have a trusted advisor to help us stay flexible, stay focused on our goals, and constantly celebrates our progress, even when we feel like we’re stuck in the same place.

How stressed are you about your financial situation? What is this stress causing you? And most importantly, what is this stress costing you? 

Financial wellness is not merely becoming proficient in managing day-to-day finances, it is a mindset shift and a change in lifestyle.

As you take steps to a better financial future, you’ll not only achieve financial wellness, you’ll be able to sustain financial wellness throughout your life, and pay it forward. I know it takes courage, but breaking cycles and blessing my family is kind of my thing.

What does financial wellness mean to you? Share how you are committed to reaching financial wellness in motherhood in the comments below!

Elayna is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 4x TEDx speaker. Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results, so you can have the wealth, opportunities, and freedom you deserve. Connect with Elayna Fernández at thepositivemom.com/keynote-speaker and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

Be Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna FernandBe Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOMez ~ The Positive MOM
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Thành Đạt

Saturday 10th of November 2018

"How To Reach Financial Wellness" is a concern topic. Even though I'm not a mother, there are many things to study in this post . Thanks for sharing


Thursday 8th of November 2018

What a great piece on financial wellness. We aren't moms, but we like to be independent.

Dana Brillante-Peller

Wednesday 7th of November 2018

What an interesting piece on financial wellness. There's beauty in being the stand on your own two feet.

Ellie Plummer

Tuesday 6th of November 2018

I wish I could maintain financial wellness but it's a bit hard as I'm a student at the moment.

Clare MInall

Tuesday 6th of November 2018

Financial Wellness is something that I really need. Being a mother this is very important for me.