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63 Ways To Package Your Knowledge, Your Experience, And Your Expertise

Most entrepreneurs start a business because they get tired of trading hours for dollars.

When I quit 9-to-5 ten years ago to start working from home, what I longed for was the freedom to “BE THERE” to influence my children, impact other people with my skills, and generate the income that could afford us a comfortable life.

Soon after I became a mom entrepreneur, I found out that, if you’re not careful, you can end up in the same trap you tried to escape, because as a solopreneur, you become the “Jane of all trades” and the “chief of everything.”

I started working excessively because the demand was high and my fees were low.

By charging based on “how long” it took me to build my clients’ websites, design their logos, or to consult on their web strategy, I put a ceiling on how much I could earn, and worse, on how many people I could serve.

package your knowledge, experience, and expertise. Leverage your time and increase your freedom!

Packaging was the answer. Not packaging in the sense of boxing, wrapping, and putting a bow on my skills, but in taking what I knew and grouping that information together to offer value for the people I wanted to help.

If you are tired of trading time for money, and you desire to get paid what you’re worth, then you must package your knowledge, your experience, and your expertise. In other words, you must package your content.

Packaging helps you organize your content and clarify your message

Packaging helps you attract the clients you truly want to serve

Packaging helps free up your time and energy to create more and focus on what matters to you

Packaging helps you deliver more value to your clients and at a deeper level

Packaging helps you position yourself as an expert and make more money while investing less time

Content can be profitable for you, and transformational for your audience.

If you want to change lives, share your voice, make a bigger impact in others’ lives, and make a difference using your God-given gifts, you can deliver valuable content in the form of services, products, or subscriptions.

Today, there are so many options and so many ways available for you to leverage your time, expertise, and experience, so you can choose a career path that is aligned with your top passions.

I put together a list of different types of premium content and informational products that your audience could be willing to pay for and that you could create and offer with little to no cost (coming from a true guerrilla marketer).

63 ways to package your knowledge, your experience, and your expertise and create multiple streams of income as a mompreneur
  1. online video modules
  2. digital audio programs
  3. e-books
  4. white papers
  5. thumb drives (flash drives, USB drives – whatever you want to call them!)
  6. downloadable guides (or mini-guides)
  7. gift items (mug, t-shirt, hat, apron, etc.)
  8. live events/experiences
  9. keynote speeches
  10. e-mail e-course
  11. live online courses
  12. tutorials/ how to programs
  13. certification programs (live or online)
  14. live webcasts
  15. members-only sections or premium content
  16. online membership or continuity program
  17. podcasts
  18. online magazines
  19. mobile apps
  20. print books
  21. audio CDs
  22. MP3 downloads / online audio
  23. live webinars
  24. recorded webinars
  25. How To program or system
  26. telesummit audios and transcripts
  27. DVD training set / program
  28. teleseminar series
  29. yearlong mastermind programs
  30. online blog posts
  31. templates, forms
  32. private forum
  33. franchising
  34. mentoring program
  35. home study system (manual with binder, CD’s or DVD’s, and worksheets)
  36. consulting services
  37. live seminar
  38. live workshop
  39. licensing
  40. one-on-one coaching programs
  41. special reports
  42. contract service
  43. livestream of event
  44. selling from the stage
  45. retreat
  46. VIP day / group VIP day
  47. calendar
  48. college course
  49. DVD recordings of live event (workshop-in-a-box)
  50. professional association
  51. appointment book
  52. affiliate commissions
  53. paid speaking
  54. multi-day workshop
  55. train the trainer program
  56. game
  57. multi-speaker event
  58. sponsored content
  59. event sponsorships
  60. break-out session
  61. telephone bootcamp / teleconference
  62. live group sessions
  63. done for you service

That’s all I could think of right now, but I promise you, there are more ways to package your knowledge, your experience, and your expertise. I’ve personally put many of
these business models to the test, and they certainly worked for me and my family, providing leveraged income and more time freedom.

I started out teaching web design and social media classes, then putting together small workshops, and writing tutorials, and then started moving up to writing books, courses, and so forth. This strategy alone added several zeroes to my bottom line, plus, it allowed me to create a business around my lifestyle and evolve as my needs, desires, and priorities evolve. Even though I still get to play with code and design, my earnings are not tied to the number of websites I design a month, and I have found tapped into channels to deliver my gifts in ways that are more meaningful and fulfilling to me.

What if you could find that for yourself? You can. It is possible for you as much as everyone else.

You have a life story to tell, real-life lessons to teach, and a message to share in the world, and you can get paid to coach, train, and teach others. I’m sure you already are giving valuable advice, so you can easily create multiple streams of income, even passive income, by taking what you know, the lessons of what you’ve experienced, and what people pick your brain about, and packaging it in an attractive way that showcases the value that it will bring to the people you want to help.

Have you packaged your message? Tell me in which ways you’ve packaged or plan to package your content. I have done everything but #7, #18, #20, #49-53, #33, and #39 – how about you?

If you need support creating these, I would love to partner with you to be your success guide.

Here’s to more income, impact, influence… and time freedom!

Elayna is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 4x TEDx speaker. Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results, so you can have the wealth, opportunities, and freedom you deserve. Connect with Elayna Fernández at thepositivemom.com/keynote-speaker and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

Be Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna FernandBe Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOMez ~ The Positive MOM
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The mission of the Positive MOM blog is to help moms break trauma cycles, find peace, and feel emotionally whole, so they can practice supportive parenting and create a positive and healthy environment for their children. If you found Elayna’s content valuable, please consider donating a love offering to enable her to keep creating content and helping more moms worldwide. Donate HERE.

The First Steps To Build And Grow A Quality Targeted E-mail List ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥

Friday 27th of March 2020

[…] matter how you decide to package your knowledge, your experience, and expertise, your content must educate them, inspire them, or entertain them, and that positions you […]


Saturday 7th of April 2018

Strongly agree with this, one of my end goals is to create packages that will need less of my time and give me more freedom, yet still positively impact the lives of women. Thanks for the great list, will defiitely come back here ;)


Tuesday 3rd of April 2018

Great list of options it gives more ideas on what to do and focus on. Thanks for the list!

Yeimi Santana

Thursday 18th of January 2018

What a long and smart list! My favorite packing options from the list are keynote speeches, e-mail e-course, online blog posts, live workshop and sponsored content. Thanks for sharing!

The First Steps To Build And Grow A Quality Targeted E-mail List ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥

Tuesday 12th of September 2017

[…] matter how you decide to package your knowledge, your experience, and expertise, your content must educate them, inspire them, or entertain them, and that positions you as an […]