I teach a Publicity Masterclass as part of one of the modules of my Digital Entrepreneur Blueprint training program, where we cover press releases.
I decided to focus on writing a press release to launch a book today because I’m currently working with a client to launch her bestseller campaign and we are putting all the pieces together to assure media success.
If you have been wondering how to effectively write your book launch press release, wonder no more! I’m going to sketch the do’s and don’ts of a magnetic press release in just a few words for you so you can have the best experience with minimal but excellent efforts to expect – and get – the best results!

If you are not working on a book launch, this press release template can be used to launch your website, your brand, a new product, a new service, or to simply announce any news you want to be known about your mompreneur business.
DIY Book Launch Press Release Power
Because press releases are so important for your book publicity campaign, you will want to stage your launch properly by submitting 3 different releases:
- a pre-launch release announcing your launch date
- a launch press release saying your book is now available
- and a post-launch release sharing the highlights or results of your launch event.
When submitting your releases, FORMAT is a crucial element, whether you are submitting it online or offline. Make sure you use the template below each time you submit a news release.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE [these exact words, all caps – don’t be afraid you’d be yelling!]>
Book Title [and subtitle!]
Press Release Publisher
Contact Information [adding a phone number is key!]
Press Release Title [more on this below]
Date, City, State
Book Summary
Press Release Body [value rich!]
About The Author [a 2-3 sentence mini bio or boilerplate]
Where to get more information
### or –30- [either of these symbols ends the press release]
Once you have organized your book launch or book signing information with this helpful template, you must be strategic with the fill-in-the-blanks.
Keep in mind that reporters receive dozens of press releases that fit their category and criteria and yours must definitely stand out to make the cut!
Your press release content must be well-written, timely, and relevant, and it needs to be compelling enough to make it worth their time (and their editors’!). As usual, my advice is to focus on providing value!
Here are 7 Killer Tricks To Make Your Press Release Stand Out:
They’re killers, but they won’t hurt anybody. I promise! LOL

Catch Their EYE ~
Your headline – and subject line, if e-mailed – must be attention-grabbing and the first paragraph short and newsworthy, summarizing the juiciness of your story.
Avoid being cute or too “corporatey” (yes, I just made that up lol). Overused terms like “cutting-edge”, “leading”, “ground-breaking”, “innovative”, and “best” are sure to bore the most willing reporter.
Make your title benefits and results-oriented, but stay away from sensationalism or click-bait-like titles. Make it D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!

Add Numbers And DATA ~ Nothing is sexier to your press release than added credibility. Numbers, statistics, and data just seem to make you more credible with ease.
I always encourage my mompreneur clients to make numbers their best friends because they can add drama, urgency, scarcity, and other elements that may seem straight out of a Latin telenovela LOL [no, I don’t watch those – anymore!].
I know you know math is not my thing, but I embrace it when it comes to my marketing.

Make It POP ~
Journalists will need your headshot and an image of your book cover, so provide those ahead of time. If you have a media page, even better, because it will make their job easier.
Remember to follow their guidelines and instructions on photos and video, providing the format they are looking for. Sometimes they will request a link (URL) rather than a multimedia file or PDF.
If they ask for an attachment, remember that the standard resolution for web photos is 72 dpi and for print is 300 or higher.

Quote The Source ~
Write in the third person and quote yourself or your book content to make it easier on the journalists when they decide to cover your story. Reporters will appreciate everything you do to get them what they need right from the start.
An excerpt of a positive review can make a great addition, as long as you are not a shameless promoter since your quote is the one part of your release they can’t edit. Take this opportunity to showcase your expertise and serve others!

Don’t make your press release long, complicated, and over the top. 400 words is a good word count limit for your press release, as long as you are including all pertinent information. Most outlets will actually charge extra if you go over 400 words.
Answer the questions Who? What? When? Where? and Why? to substantiate your headline and provide details that go beyond a sales pitch. Connect!!!
Make your press release focused by adding just one angle and one clear single call to action.
I am going to stress it again: it’s all about the value this news will bring to others. Before you click send, make sure your press release answers these questions:
- So what?
- What’s in it for them?
- Why should they care?
Oh, and in case you didn’t get that, KISS is an acronym keep it short and simple! I guess I could have led with that.

Don’t limit what you share to your credentials and qualifications to write the book. People want more!
Share who you are, what you are passionate about, what inspires you, what makes you proud, and your own WHY. Make your press release yours and BE YOU!

Optimize It To Get FOUND ~
After serious and careful proofing, submit your press release only to outlets where it might get actual attention and you can get the most with the least investment.
Some examples include free online release websites, your local newspaper, your own website and/or blog, your media kit, and your social networks.
When sharing your press release online, use keywords to generate search engine traffic and get in front of the journalists that cover your topic of choice. You know SEO is my jam!
I love writing book launch press releases and all kinds of press releases and I love the free publicity it generates.
Press releases are a core element to your Publicity as an author and mom entrepreneur and it needs to be embraced as such.
What press release tips can you add? Share them with us in the comment section below!
Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results and help others do the same. Dr. Elayna Fernández is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 5x TEDx speaker. She has spoken at the United Nations, received the President’s Volunteer Lifetime Achievement Award, and was selected as one of the Top Impactful Leaders and a Woman of Influence by SUCCESS Magazine. Connect with Elayna at thepositivemom.com/ef and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

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The mission of the Positive MOM blog is to help moms break trauma cycles, find peace, and feel emotionally whole, so they can practice supportive parenting and create a positive and healthy environment for their children. If you found Elayna’s content valuable, please consider donating a love offering to enable her to keep creating content and helping more moms worldwide. Donate HERE.
Friday 22nd of December 2023
As usual.......GOLD!! Thanks Elayna for reminding me of the special 7 tips to make my Press Release POP! Looking forward to being a bestselling author - Attitude of Gratitude for you:)
Dr. Adams
Tuesday 29th of March 2022
This is so very useful! When I am writing my next press release for an upcoming event.
Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM
Thursday 31st of March 2022
That's fabulous, Dr. Adams!
How Bloggers Can Create Ideal Partnerships With Brands ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥
Friday 23rd of August 2019
[…] best idea (one that that supports THEM, your audience, and your purpose). Twitter, LinkedIn, and press releases are great ways to find […]
Tuesday 6th of August 2019
Elayna: I honestly never thought of doing press releases for my business. I guess I saw them as something big business or people who published books did. I have learned a lot from this post.
Rebecca Bryant
Tuesday 6th of August 2019
I had no clue press releases help such power. I know for me reading a book cover or seeing the front cover is what catches my attention but I never thought to read the press release for a book. I just need to be more creative in this area.