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3 Easy Steps To Find YOUR Passion

You know what hobbies, interests, people and activities brighten your days when you have them and make life a bit gloomy when you don’t, yet maybe you’re still on your way to find your passion, wondering “what am I REALLY passionate about?”

I wondered that so much that I started a quest to find  that “one passion” ~ that one “thing” that makes you feel alive, makes sleep feel overrated, makes work fun, and makes hard things…not so hard.

The truth is, we are passionate about different people, places, situations, and feelings…and these can be found in all areas of our lives: career/financial, relationships, wellness, spirituality, and more! I have found that we indeed have many passions and can discover, follow, live them fully – especially the Top 5!

Elayna Fernandez - The Positive MOM - Finding Your Passion

Why Find Your Passions?

Besides it being so much fun, discovering your life’s path will bring you joy because you will be staying true to your nature, what you were created for. When you are following your passions, you will be living fully and purposely, aligning with your ultimate destiny.

I think the most empowering discovery I’ve had in my life has been to not let others define what I should have, do, or be. We are all unique and so are our passions.

Follow your heart when deciding your passions: your passions are YOURS, nobody else’s.

I guarantee when you discover and start living your passions, you will experience true joy and freedom in your life, and as a Positive MOM, you will be empowering your children to do the same. I love living my passions, but I love that my daughters are living theirs at such a young age even more!

How Can You Start Finding Your Passions?

Discovering your passions starts defining what life would be like when everything is ideal. These 3 easy steps to find your passions will get you started:

Passion Step 1

It all starts with your imagination!

  • Imagine your relationships are ideal. What are they like?
  • Imagine your body is ideal. What does it feel like?
  • Imagine your career/financial success is ideal. What does that look like to you?

Do this with your eyes closed, thinking separately about each area of your life where you are feeling dissatisfied, are yearning for more, or are wishing for different results, and then write elaborate, well-thought out answers for each question. Paint the picture in your head and give it form. Thoughts become things through action. Visualize your ideal life and let your thoughts guide you…

Passion Step 2

Write down and describe in detail what you saw. Use all of your senses and explain what you felt. We must be unquestionably clear on what our passions are in order to start living them.

Passion Step 3

Now it’s time to turn your passion descriptions into clear, concise “affirmation-like” statements called “INTENTIONS.” Write out a few sentences that start with:

When my life is ideal, I am… 

These intentions will get you started in the clarity process, which is vital, because before manifesting anything into the material world, you must first create it in your mind!

These 3 steps to find your passions will be easy to follow; however, it may not seem easy to choose only 5. The Passion Test system will be helpful to get unquestionably clear in the selection process. It was God-sent for me!

Your Top 5 Passions are the first clues to designing your happiness and success on your own terms; finding them is only the start! Like Irene Cara sings in the Flashdance classic: TAKE YOUR PASSION… AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!


Lexie Lane

Thursday 15th of May 2014

Very very true! Just appreciating what we already have and appreciating the things we are passionate about, I think plays a big part in it all. Another great post!

Michelle F.

Wednesday 14th of May 2014

Those are awesome tips. I am learning everyday what I am passionate about.

Pamela R

Wednesday 14th of May 2014

Very wonderful post--I'm living a smaller version of my passion and couldn't be happier--hoping for more growth =D


Wednesday 14th of May 2014

I have 2 passions-animals and reading! If I didn't know what my passions are at my age I'd be in serious trouble!


Wednesday 14th of May 2014

I think following your passions is what makes life enjoyable.