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Positive Affirmations For Uncertainty, Anxiety, and Fear

It’s hard to be positive and calm when we’re dealing with uncertainty, anxiety, and fear. I am not a medical doctor, so I’m sharing from my perspective, having been intimately familiar with these feelings and conditions most of my life.

Positive Affirmations for uncertainty anxiety and fear - the Positive MOM

It’s one thing to worry about the future and it’s another to worry about how you will get through the day, and whether you and those you love will actually get through the day. 

Illness, loss of income, poverty or debt, isolation, death, and other worries that stress us are not only cause of grief and panic, but are cause of what we call “situational trauma.”

We become more anxious when we perceive a lack of control, and the reality is that we are never in control of what happens around us.

However, there are some steps we can take to manage our mindset and help calm ourselves in times of stress, and hardship.

We all know that consistent self-care is the answer, but let’s be honest: sometimes it’s not as easy as it sounds.

You should be getting more sleep!

Why don’t you try exercising?

Make sure you’re eating right!

Have you tried journaling?

Spend some alone time, maybe meditating…?

Ummm… Sound advice, but sometimes guilt-inducing. It feels like a lot of tasks to add to your already unattainable to-do list, especially when the kids are home 24/7 and you don’t have any breaks longer than 5 seconds.

I have been a homeschooling, work-at-home entrepreneur and single mom for many years and I really wish I could always journal and meditate, and if I could help it, I’d sleep 8 hours every night. I am vegan and don’t do alcohol or caffeine, but I still forget to hydrate and even forget to eat.

It’s a struggle and it’s really not that simple.

There’s a quote I love that I like to repeat to myself: “No amount of regret can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future.” Ain’t that the truth!

But if I knew how to stop anxiety attacks, panic attacks, and intrusive thoughts, I wouldn’t be writing this. Even when we are in our best routine and living our best life, life happens…

financial struggle happens…

physical pain happens…

hormones happen…

relationship fails happen…

fear of failure happens…

brain chemical imbalance happens…

doubt happens…

fear of the unknown happens…

triggers happen…

overwhelm happens…

… motherhood happens and then we’re right back to anxious.

There’s nothing I can do to change what’s God’s business and what is other people’s business. I can only take personal responsibility for my thoughts, my beliefs, my feelings, my words, and my actions – that’s it.

Positive affirmations are a great tool to shift our mood and ease anxiety and fear in times of uncertainty.

When we craft our words, we also craft our world. I believe that the energy each word we utter carries within it shapes the universe around us. 

As René Char would say “I believe in the magic and authority of words.

Positive words can shift our attention to high vibration energy: love, gratitude, compassion, courage, patience – those divine gifts we can access in an instant with an intentional breath.

Luckily, positive affirmations help us step into our inner powers without requiring us to drop everything we are doing, for the kids to be gone or to be perfectly well-behaved (yeah, like that ever happens!).

You can say affirmations to yourself while you are doing pretty much anything – and it only takes a few seconds. 

Positive affirmations are a go-to of mine when I just can’t seem to do all of those things the therapist recommends.

Positive affirmations help me calm my anxious mind when I start panicking and worrying, getting consumed by irrational fears and overwhelmed by “what ifs” that may never happen, and becoming the momster I never want to be.

42 Positive Affirmations For Times Of Uncertainty, Anxiety, and Fear

I wrote these positive affirmations today to ease the uncertainty, anxiety, and fears we are experiencing:

I am safe in this very moment

I acknowledge my own self-worth

I can become calm and still as I allow myself to breathe

My path is carved toward a living a life I love and I can walk it

My understanding is expanding with every breath

I am choosing to be at peace with what happened, what is happening, and what will happen

There are positive outcomes I am not yet aware of

Clarity of mind is available to me

I can find joy in the little things

I am fully equipped to create what I want and need

I can choose to focus on the blessings

I am becoming stronger every second

There is much to be grateful for in my life right now

I can choose to replace my feelings with peace right now

I will thrive, prosper, and have joy

There is good coming into my life and it will arrive sooner than I expect

I can be guided by a Higher Power in my every step

I possess the qualities I need to find solutions

I am gradually opening up to feel inner peace

I believe my potential and my purpose are divine

I am closer to finding what I am looking for and to living my vision

I am finding the courage to take the next right step

The truth is I am blessed, loved, and supported

I surrender to a greater plan, beyond my understanding

I love it when I feel relaxed, happy, and free

Everything that is happening now is truly for my highest good

I am stronger than I think I am

Everything is temporary and only a short phase of my life

My efforts are being supported by a Force greater than me

There is much in my life to look forward to

I trust the process of life

I am able to slow down and take slow breaths

I trust there is a way to create what I want

I am Divine and being calm and still is part of my nature

Life is always working for me

I can be at peace on the inside, no matter what happens on the outside

I focus my energy on my dreams and goals

My mind can be at ease and my body relaxed

I prefer feeling calm, clear, and focused

When I focus on ideas, I can help manifest my dreams

Things happen in divine order and in divine timing

I am training myself to become curious, joyful, and full of wonder

You may use this collection of positive affirmations if you feel they will work for you or you can change or combine them and make your own to feel authentic to your own voice and your vision.

You can download a FREE Printable of my positive affirmations HERE and  be  sure  to  pin  this  image.Printable Positive Affirmations for uncertainty anxiety and fear - the Positive MOM

These positive affirmations can help calm your mind. As Dr. Wayne W. Dyer once said: “Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.”

Being positive in times of crisis does not require that you convince yourself that “everything is just fine,” when everything seems to indicate the opposite. It’s natural to feel worried, nervous, and concerned, especially in tough times.

Dan Millman put it this way: “You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.”

Mantras, declarations, incantations, inspirations, and short prayers won’t make your anxiety go away forever, but having a list of affirmations handy that you can read and repeat can help you be more at peace and have the strength to do the next right thing.

Christopher Cokinos is quoted saying “We need to do what we can as calmly as we can
where we can for as long as we can.” 

And as we take a step forward, it’s necessary that we know that while you really don’t have a say on how the stressful issue you are experiencing will turn out, but you can embrace an inner knowing that you are more than that situation, condition, or circumstance.

You are more than that.

What affirmations do you say to conquer the anxiety of life? Share with us below!

Elayna is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 4x TEDx speaker. Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results, so you can have the wealth, opportunities, and freedom you deserve. Connect with Elayna Fernández at thepositivemom.com/keynote-speaker and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

Be Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna FernandBe Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOMez ~ The Positive MOM
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Tuesday 25th of January 2022

This is something new to me. Reading these affirmations help me brought myself into my core being, purpose, and goal. Recognizing what is within me and the possibilities around me.

Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM

Tuesday 25th of January 2022

Amen, Fatima!


Saturday 6th of November 2021

Thank you so much!


Wednesday 17th of March 2021

These are wonderful and so helpful. Thank you for sharing!


Wednesday 13th of January 2021

Thank you so much

Jonh ClearW

Friday 23rd of October 2020

With the advent of the coronavirus, people have become increasingly depressed due to the crisis. Moral and material. And now is the time to use the tips from this article! If this is not done, then a dead-end ensues. The number of addicts has increased... I am a doctor in a rehabilitation center.