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It’s A Great Day For A New Start

Can you believe we’re halfway through the year already? July 1 marks the beginning of the second half, and, many of us are probably wondering, where did the time go?, feeling like things didn’t go exactly as we planned them or are taking more time than we thought. July 1 is a great day for a new start! Actually, every day God gives us a fresh start.

I want every day to be a fresh start on expanding what is possible ~ Oprah Winfrey

Why reinvent yourself? Well, I do it because what got me where I am isn’t going to get me where I want to be. In order to get different results, you must be willing to embrace change.

[Tweet “What got you where you’re at isn’t going to get you where you want to be.”]

This week, many moms in my Step Into Balance Virtual Camp are working on self-care and it can be quite a shift to recognize that in order to take care of others, you must first take care of your needs (read here why). I’m going to be using the acronym NEW START to teach you Weimar Institute’s formula for health, vibrancy, and longevity.

N ~ nutrition  ~ As you are presented with meal and drink choices, think of your ideal life and ask yourself:  “Will eating this meal take me closer or further to my ideal body?”  I definitely notice a difference when I eat the right foods and becoming vegan has increased my energy, preventing illness and promoting an overall feeling of health and confidence.

E ~ exercise ~ Forsake everyone’s methods of obtaining health, fitness, and vitality. Ask yourself: What activities do I enjoy doing that allows me to be active and stretch myself in the direction of the results I want to see in my health? I used to do Zumba, and I admit it was really fun. Turns out, what I really needed was not fun in my life, and now that I am practicing hot yoga, I have found the holistic stretch I was craving. I personally don’t like working out, so I embrace that about myself, and through exercising by doing something I like, I can truly enjoy the fitness process.

treat your body like it belongs to someone you love!

W ~ water ~ Make conscious effort to keep hydrated. Alkalize your water to promote detoxification and nutrient absorption. This can be as easy as adding lemons or baking soda. Ask yourself: “What is the amount of water I need daily and how can I make sure I drink it? Being consistent in this area has been a source of struggle for me and I am slowly making progress. I will grab a sip right now 🙂

S ~ sunlight ~ As you seek balance in your life, it is important to take time to enjoy nature and the outdoors. Sunlight provides vitamin D, too! Ask yourself: “Have I safely exposed my body to the sun for 10-15 minutes today?”  Because I work from home, it’s tempting to just stay home all day, so I make a conscious effort to open the windows and doors, and step outside for a few minutes.

T ~ temperance ~ Temperance means abstinence from alcoholic drinks. It also means moderation or self-restraint from appetites and passions. Ask yourself: Will this beverage allow me to connect with my soul, my higher self, and my Creator? I don’t have any alcohol, caffeine, or intake any substance (such as pills, cigarettes, high sugars, etc.) that may alter my state in any way. I love experiencing life “as is,” with no filters.

[Tweet “Let nothing enslave you. You were born to be free! #motivationformoms”]

A ~ air ~ We can live days without food and even water, yet only minutes without air. Ask yourself: How can I get some fresh air today and breathe in life?” Being conscious of my breath is something that has helped me tremendously and gotten me through the days of chaos and overwhelm… that’s why I call myself a momPRAYneur.

R ~ rest ~  Rest is a critical element of staying in balance and to embody the person you want to be. Ask yourself:What is enough rest for me and how can I partner with the people in my life to make certain that I get it? I have a toddler and there was a time when I had two… and they never napped at the same time, so I know this is a tough one. I think the focus must be to strive to sleep as close to the amount you need as you can. When I neglect my sleep (usually because of saying YES when I needed to say NO), it really shows in my mood, my energy, and my health.

[Tweet “Treat your body like it belongs to someone you love. #motivationformoms”]

T ~ trust in Divine power ~  Trusting is believing in goodness coming out of hardships, surrendering worries, and expecting miracles and blessings to come your way – in God’s timing. As you strive to implement all these changes in your life to invite transformation, faith in God will make it easier, because you will keep things in perspective. Ask yourself: Have I done my part so I can let God can take over?” In all the difficult moments of my life, my faith has undoubtedly been the #1 key to make it through.

Ready for a new start? You can use this easy acronym to remind yourself of the choices you are making each day toward transformation. You can be both self-focused and family-oriented; there is no need to choose, and this balance will make you a healthier, happier, and able to foster better relationships with the people who matter most to you.

As you move toward the person you want to become, remember to constantly envision a clear, certain picture in your mind, and believe this woman will be YOU. And, a word of advice from an often impatient, recovering perfectionist: knowing exactly where you are going doesn’t mean stressing, obsessing, or feeling overwhelmed about how long the road ahead seems.

On the journey of life, forget the miles and start celebrate the mile markers, the utility poles, the fire hydrants… look for milestones to be happy about, take the scenic route, and take advantage of each new start!

I challenge you to take some time to assess the first half of the year:

  • what worked?
  • what didn’t?
  • what will you do differently?

[Tweet “Always assess: what worked? What didn’t? What do differently? #motivationformoms”]

As you do this, remember that no one can serve from an empty vessel, and decide you will take care of yourself, put YOU on the list, and treat YOU as a priority. That’s what this new start is all about.

What does your new start look like? I’d love to hear what you have planned for the journey ahead. <3


You Get In Life What You Believe You Deserve - What Do You Believe? ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥

Wednesday 11th of September 2019

[…] I feel so blessed to be able to make every minute matter with smart help and health coaching, from the convenience of my wrist with Google Fit, which motivates you towards a healthier life with coaching and activity tracking based on guidelines from the American Heart Association & World Health Organization. It’s perfect for a NEW START! […]


Tuesday 29th of May 2018

This is very nicely put! Taking care of ourselves in the most important.

Neyssa Jump

Tuesday 14th of March 2017

This is a great post. I love when you mention to pay attention to the milestones. I also feel that's right when you are looking at what didn't, what were those milestones?


Tuesday 30th of June 2015

Love this! So empowering, and uplifting . Love yourself first and everyday is a fresh new start. You can always start over , that's a great thing to live by. Hard day, stress , bad stuff happen? Tomorrow is a new start :)

Fariha N.

Tuesday 30th of June 2015

I need to go easier on myself sometimes. i find that I am my own worst enemy sometimes. Changing that is part of my new start.