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Do You Struggle With Monetization? This May Be WHY

There are many ways to package and monetize your knowledge, your experience, and your expertise. Most of these ways have similar potential to become a reliable, consistent, and predictable stream of income. However, many people struggle with monetization and end up feeling like they may be doing something wrong, like they may need to do more, or like maybe a spell has been cast on them, or something.

The key to monetizing is realizing that your sustainable success lies not in what domain name you purchase, what host you use, whether you do videos on YouTube, or what social media channels you’re on. Tools, tactics, and technology are wonderful and definitely necessary, but sustainable success lies not in what you do or how you do it, but in WHY you do it.

WHY. It’s one of my favorite words.

Asking WHY can be your ticket to pity: “Why is this happening to me?” Or it can be the key to unlocking your potential: “Why do I do what I do?” The difference lies in whether or not you are taking responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, and actions. 

I love kids – yeah, I think they’re cute, but beyond that, they are amazing teachers. I have learned more about boundaries and purpose from kids than anyone else on the earth. Toddlers love to say NO and little kids like to ask WHY. Kids will ask WHY until they get their answer until their curiosity is fulfilled, and until their needs are met. Be like a child – I know I strive to every day.

In the Bible (Matthew 18: 3), we read:

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 

Unless you transform, become curious, willing to ask, and are eager to learn like a child, you will not be able to partake in the prosperity that God has reserved for you.

One of my favorite TED Talks, and the third most popular TED Talk of all time, is Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why,” based on his book of the same title. (aff link)

Sinek teaches that the greatest brands and movements are driven by a deep understanding of “why” they do what they do, while those who don’t enjoy the same level of success are focused on communicating “what” they do, and/or “how” they do it.

“And by ‘why’ I don’t mean ‘to make a profit.’ That’s a result. It’s always a result. By ‘why,’ I mean: What’s your purpose? What’s your cause? What’s your belief? Why does your organization exist? Why do you get out of bed in the morning? And why should anyone care? … The inspired leaders and the inspired organizations — regardless of their size, regardless of their industry — all think, act and communicate from the inside out.” @SimonSinek

Simon Sinek asked a lot of questions here, didn’t he? Just like a child would. We look for answers everywhere. We ask our Facebook friends or Facebook group admins, we raise our hand at conferences, and we Google everything.

But the most powerful questions, like the ones Sinek offered, can only be found deep inside our minds, hearts, and souls. Unfortunately, many are unwilling to be coachable, to sit still, to trust the process, and ultimately, they are unable to do the work it takes to get clear. And, I always say: “Clarity is a prerequisite to success.” I quote myself a lot, don’t I? 

“Clarity is a prerequisite to success ~ Elayna Fernandez, The Positive MOM

Back to Simon Sinek. He states that people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it, and illustrates this concept with what he calls  the “Golden Circle.”

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. ~ Simon Sinek”

  • Why ~ This is the ultimate core belief of the business. It’s why the organization exists.
  • How ~ This is how the business fulfills or delivers that core belief. It’s the system, proprietary process, USP, or strategy.
  • What ~ This is what you or your company does to fulfill that core belief. It’s your offering, product, service, or idea.
The Golden Circle by Simon Sinek - Why | How | What

The reason most brands and experts don’t succeed in monetizing their offerings is that they do their marketing backward. They start with “what they do,” then communicate “how they do it.” they do it, and often forget to mention “why they do it.”

Here’s Sinek’s example of the WHAT and the HOW:

“We make great computers. They’re user friendly, beautifully designed, and easy to use. Want to buy one?”

When I read this, I have a lot of questions:

WHY do you make computers?

WHY are they user-friendly?

WHY are they beautifully designed?

WHY are they easy to use?

And, naturally, WHY should I want to buy one?

Sinek articulated what a marketing message from Apple would look like to communicate what we read above:

“With everything we do, we aim to challenge the status quo. We aim to think differently. Our products are user friendly, beautifully designed, and easy to use. We just happen to make great computers. Want to buy one?”

Did you feel that? Starting with WHY makes a difference. The reason to buy becomes clear and anyone who subscribes to the same beliefs as Apple’s WHY will be enticed to get a computer (or a phone, or a tablet…).

Sinek’s theory is that “the human brain is actually broken into three major components that correlate perfectly with the golden circle. The neocortex is responsible for all of our rational and analytical thought and language (what(, and the middle two sections make up our limbic brains, which are responsible for all of our feelings, like trust and loyalty, as well as responsible for all human behavior, and all decision-making.  It has no capacity for language.”

Feelings, trust, and loyalty, not words, drive behavior:

“It’s those who start with “why” that have the ability to inspire those around them or find others who inspire them.”

And if we focus on the meaning and etymology of the word inspiration, it is a lasting influence, so we can safely say that to be an influencer you must inspire others and drive behavior. You gotta move others to action!

If you are struggling with conversion, monetization, or seeing the results you want from your work as an influencer, you must make it a point to communicate your why!

Do you know your WHY?

I believe your WHY, your purpose, includes three main factors:

The Positive Mom check

Your passions are intense emotions and desires that fire you up and move you to action.

The Positive Mom check

Your values are a personal compass, a guidance system that provides direction for your choices and behaviors.

The Positive Mom check

Your beliefs are doctrines, statements and experiences you hold as truth.

In order to determine your purpose, you must identify your core beliefs, your guiding values, and your top-burning passions. These will determine your cause, why your brand exists, and what contribution you want to make.

Consider these two statements:

I am a mommy blogger at  XYZmommyblog.com (Who calls it mommy blog anymore?)  vs.

I help moms rewrite their stories, heal their wounds, and create joy, freedom, and meaning on their own terms in all areas of life. You can find out more at XYZmommyblog.com

It is obvious that the second mommy blogger is passionate about helping moms, she believes moms can create a life they love, and she values balance, joy, balance, empowerment, and success. It’s the best elevator pitch ever!

But WHY? That mommy blogger must tell a compelling story, a vulnerable story, a story that converts, and that story begins with clarity.

As you get clear on your passion, values, and beliefs, you will create a cohesive brand that is both meaningful and profitable. You’ll be able to attract readers, viewers, buyers, partners, and opportunities to share your passion, values, and beliefs, and it will feel natural, rewarding, and enjoyable.

Your journey of self-discovery will require a significant investment of time and energy, and money, as well as openness and willingness to go deep and be vulnerable to express your findings. I promise you it will be worth it.

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

In fact, Mark Twain said ‘The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.’

Find Your Purpose

There’s an easy exercise that can help you get started in figuring out your purpose if you’re willing to wait for the answers that come from your intuition – from above:

  1. On a blank sheet of paper or a word processor page, write the heading: “What is my true purpose in life?”
  2. Write any answer that pops into your head.
  3. Keep writing answers until you write something that makes you cry. This answer is a piece of your purpose.

Here’s a hint: your purpose will always have to do with your contribution to the world. When you align your work with your purpose, monetization becomes easier because you will be focused on your true identity, on your God-given gifts, and on that which the world needs from you: you’ll be operating from your WHY.

Do you struggle with monetization? Do you know your WHY? Share your story and thoughts with us below. Mucho LOVE!

Elayna is a single mom of 4, an award-winning Storyteller, Story Strategist, and Student of Pain. She’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, and 4x TEDx speaker. Founder of the Positive MOM® and creator of the S.T.O.R.Y. System: a blueprint to craft and share powerful stories that will transform your results, so you can have the wealth, opportunities, and freedom you deserve. Connect with Elayna Fernández at thepositivemom.com/keynote-speaker and follow @thepositivemom. To receive a gift from Elayna, click HERE.

Be Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna FernandBe Positive and You Will Be Powerful ~ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOMez ~ The Positive MOM
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How to Deliver the Perfect Pitch in a Competition #ElPerfectPitch #Hispz18 ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥

Tuesday 20th of August 2019

[…] Simon Sinek would recommend, you want to start with a powerful WHY: Why do you do what you do? Connect with the powerful reason that inspired you to get started and […]

Christine G

Monday 12th of August 2019

I am currently working on monetization with different streams of income, and it's important to identify our "why." Otherwise, our site content, whether it's centered around being a blog or something much more purposeful, it remains a hobby and not a business for which we can grow and monetize.

Rebecca Bryant

Monday 12th of August 2019

when I started my blog it was to just connect with people in the outside world because I was homebound and alone. I then shifted to wanting to make it a business. I did this with knowing my why or my purpose which I am working hard on now. I really need to find my place in the world with my purpose and why.

Patty Moliterno

Sunday 11th of August 2019

Elayna: This was a great exercise. I know that when I typed "to help moms" there was something different. To help autism moms, to help homeschool moms, to help moms struggling - this is my mission.

I thank you for following your mission!

Elisha Fernandez

Saturday 10th of August 2019

It’s all about digging deeper, even when you feel like you can’t anymore. Finding your why has to do with your purpose, yes, but also, like you said, looking for common ground with your audiences’ purpose too when it comes to making a product or developing a service.

Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM

Saturday 10th of August 2019

Absolutely! It has to come from a place of love for someone you want to serve. Great observation!